Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Well, my unemployment benefits have come to an end. I have reached the end of my benefit year and will not be re-applying for benefits. I am glad to be done with the job-searches, meeting with WorkSource as to why I haven't found a full-time job (hello, I haven't worked full time in over 5 years!) and feeling like I've always got someone checking up on me.

I'm excited/nervous/scared as to how things will work out financially, but am thankful for the hours at The Good Book (you know, my boss there can be a total slave driver!! Love you mom!!) and I'm going to be watching our friends little boy one day a week and fill-in when needed, so there will be a little income coming in. I'm getting really creative with all sorts of things around the house to save money and we are relocating our garden beds to hopefully have a more fruitful garden! And I'm loving the time at home - I can never get this time back, so to be able to be at home with them is amazing! Yes, things would be easier if I was working and bringing home a bigger paycheck, but what is more important for my family, right now??

1 comment:

darah said...

i know it's stressful, but i can't help but be jealous! because you're absolutely right- you can't ever get this time back. i'm proud of you guys for taking this risk :)

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