Sunday, March 13, 2011

Project 31, Day 24

What is Jesus teaching you presently?

Patience. Plain and simple.

Patience with my kids - it's been one of those weeks, months...

Patience with my husband.

Patience with others.

Patience with things I can't really control.

Patience with my life.

Patience, Patience, Patience.

It's been a rough week actually, and I've written this post about 10 times and nothing seems right. I'm feeling really tested/challenged and at the end of my rope. My kids look at me sort of weird when I start crying about reading a book - when what I'm really crying about is the fighting about who sits closer to me when I read and who is touching the other person and who can't see the pictures, etc. etc. I cry because what I really want to do is throw the book across the room and scream!

I'm tired from certain things in my life. I know that it's just a season and won't last forever. Things will change and get better, it's just a matter of being patient. Ahhhh, there is that word again. My girl-friend Kristi called this week and we talked about planning a girls get-away and all I wanted to do was say "Now? You wanna go right now? Great! Give me 10 minutes and I'm outta here!!" Again, patience. Patience, Patience, Patience.


Casey Martinez said...

Thanks for sharing what you are feeling/learning/going through! I only have one small kiddo but, already have had seasons of wanting to run away, escape or just get out to breathe alone. Being a momma, wife, home maker, etc. is SO all consuming at times. So exhausting mentally the most I feel like. I'm due for a girls night out..can I go with you? lol. I hope your girls get together comes soon!

Melissa said...

The more the merrier! It would be quite a trek for you since I'm on the West Coast though! haha!! Thank you also for all the kind comments!

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

Gosh I'm so behind on my project 31! I want to get back to it soon.

Oh patience is definitely a virtue. It took me a long time to understand how true that is! I hope God gives you big bunches of patience and strength and that you get the must needed get-away soon!


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